Developing Decoders Green Fiction Collection

This UFLI Aligned decodable book collection contains 220 titles with 6 copies per title. There are a total of 1320 books + 12 anthologies.

Developing Decoders Orange Collection

Developing Decoders ORANGE Collection: 70 UFLI-Aligned Decodable Chapter Books

Unlock the joy of reading with our Developing Decoders Orange collection, an expertly crafted series of 70 decodable books designed to align perfectly with UFLI's scope and sequence. Featured on the UFLI decodable text guide, this comprehensive collection includes a total of 420 books that make learning to read an exciting adventure for young learners.

Developing Decoders Digital Subscription

Our Developing Decoders Digital Subscription brings you a full library of decodable books available digitally and in printable format. Each line of our collections have been written to align with a specific scope and sequence.

Developing Decoders

The comprehensive phonics curriculum in Structured Literacy with E.A.S.E. uses phonological and phonemic strategies to help young readers explicitly and systematically decode words, a practice that the research has long supported as an effective tool for reading instruction.

Our goal is to provide students with the tools and strategies to decode and encode words that make up the English language so they can become skilled readers.

USE DECODABLE TEXTS TO PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE PRACTICE AND IMPROVEMENT OF DECODING SKILLS AT EARLY LEVELS. Research continues to support the use and benefits of decodable books in early reading instruction for young learners. (Castles et al., 2016).

A boy pointing at a decodable passage in a text

Decodable Texts

A study examining the effects of reading decodable texts among at-risk early readers in a tutoring program found significant improvements in decoding, word and passage reading, and comprehension when compared to a control group. First graders were randomly assigned to two intervention groups, differing by the level of decoding, and a control group. The findings showed that while the intervention groups outperformed the control group, there was no difference in post-test scores between the two intervention groups. This suggests that the use of decodable texts positively contributes to reading development among children who may be struggling with reading (Jenkins et al., 2004).

Price-Mohr and Mohr (2020) investigated the effects of phonically-decodable texts on young children learning to read. The young readers were randomly assigned to groups using either high or low proportions of phonically-decodable words. Both groups were introduced to new vocabulary through associated groups prior to reading the books. The findings revealed that the proportion of phonically decodable words made a difference in reading comprehension. Children in the intervention group using lower proportions of decodable words outperformed the group using higher proportions of decodable words on comprehension outcomes, supporting previous studies suggesting that as children become more skillful readers, decodable texts are less effective.