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Laprea Education, Inc

Developing Decoders 1st Grade Green Fiction Collection (182 titles, with 6 copies of each)

Developing Decoders 1st Grade Green Fiction Collection (182 titles, with 6 copies of each)

Regular price $4,095.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4,095.00 USD
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Alphabet Review & Longer Words 32 Titles
35a. Short a review
Bad Max
Tad's Bag
35b. Short a review (nasalized a)
Jam, Sam, Jam!
Cam and Tam
35c. Short a advanced review
Camp Is a Blast!
Stan and the Lamp
36a. Short i review
Pip the Pig
Tim Fibs
36b. Short i advanced review
Twins on a Trip
Skip in the Wind
37a. Short o review
Cod and Cobs
The Big Job
37b. Short o advanced review
The Big Stomp
Spot Is Soft
38a. Short a, i, o review
Cat and Dog
The Map
38b. Short a, i, o advanced review
Crab's Pals
39a. Short u review (CVC)
Run, Pup, Run
Cub in the Tub
39b. Short u advanced review (CCVC, CVCC)
Slug in a Rut
Not the Rust!
40a. Short e review (CVC)
Ten Pens
Get in Bed, Jen!
40b. Short e advanced review (CCVC, CVCC)
The Sled
Dad's Gift
41a. Short vowel review (CVC)
Pals and Pets
Rob and the Pup
41b. Short vowel advanced review 1 (CCVC, CVCC)
Swim with a Croc
Lift the Flap
41c. Short vowel advanced review 2 (CCVCC, CCCVC)
Fred Strums
Spot's Sprint
Digraphs 24 Titles
42. ff, ll, ss, zz
Buzz and Fuzz
Red Hill
43. -all, -oll, -ull
A Doll in the Mall
The Fall Ball
44. ck
The Lock
Can You Pick?
45. sh
Ships in the Shop
46. Voiced th
This and That
Will and Mack
47. Unvoiced th
Math Moth
The Lost Tusk
48. ch
Chad and the Chick
Chip the Champ
49. Digraphs Review 1
The Black Flash
Trad the Troll
50. wh, ph
What Is in the Pond?
The Pals Whack and Smack!
51. ng
Swings and Wings
A Trip to Hong Kong
52. n /ŋ/ (as in nk)
Cat in the Bunk
A Pink Sink
53. Digraphs review 2
The Fish Tank
Will Ralph Wish?
VCe 20 Titles
54. a_e
Jake the Snake
Wade Bakes a Cake
55. i_e
Kites for Sale
Mike Hikes
56. o_e
Mack the Mole
Cole Saves the Shop
57. VCe review 1; e_e
Zeke's Sale
Eve Bakes
58. u_e
Luke and June
The Duke of Plume
59. VCe review 2
June's Flute
60. _ce /s/
Lost in Space
The Big Race
61. _ge /j/
Gale on Stage
Sage the Strange Snake
62. VCe review 3; VCe exceptions
June's Trunk (VCe exceptions)
Grace and Cam (VCe exceptions)
Pete's Pals (review)
Gene's Theme (review)
Reading Longer Words 14 Titles
63. -es
Passes and Misses
The Lunches
64. -ed
Jess Is Listed
Mike Hates to Camp!
65. -ing
Dashing Dan
Jane Is Stressing
66. Closed & open syllables
Fun in the Sun
The Van Trip
67a. Compound words
The Sandbox Hike
Fun at Sunup
67b. Closed/closed
Picnic Time
Fishing at the Cabin
68. Open/closed
The Robot
The Music Box
Ending Spelling Patterns 16 Titles
69. tch
The Witch
The Fox and the Robin
70. dge
The Raven Badge
The Dodge Match
71. tch & dge review
The Fudge Splotches
No Grudges
72. -ild, -old, -ind, -olt, -ost
Holt the Phantom
Find the Kind
73. y as long i
Ty the Spy
Ry the Shy Fly
74. y as long e
The Crying Baby
When Lilly Met Sally
75. -le
Wendle the Fickle Pickle
The Little Pebble
76. Ending patterns review
The Little Lady Who Juggles
Molly the Baby Bunny
R-Controlled Vowels 14 Titles
77. ar
The Barnyard Contest
My Backyard Garden
78. or, ore
The Harsh Storm
Such a Bore!
79. ar, or, ore review
My Porch
I Am an Artist!
80. er
Terry the Cake Artist
Roger's Pet
81. ir, ur
Burt and Carl's Fun Trip
That Bird Can Surf!
82. er, ir, ur; w+ or
Bird's Big Mess
The Farmer
83. R-controlled vowels review
Clark Swims with a Shark!
At the Park
Long Vowel Teams 10 Titles
84. long a: ai, ay
Mail Day
Rain All Day
85. long e: ee, ea, ey
Three Pals at the Beach
Donkey at the Stream
86. long o: oa, ow, oe
Steamboat on the Coast
A Stroll in the Snow
87. long i: ie, igh
Bright Stars
Chuck's First Flight
88. Vowel teams review 1
Cleanup Day
My Window
Other Vowel Teams 14 Titles
89. u (put), oo (look)
Brook and Her Book
Cat the Cook
90. oo (spoon)
Boon Has the Scoop
Boon and the Trick
91. ew, ui, ue (flew, suit, blue)
Sue's Messy Suit
Blue's Juice Day
92. Vowel teams review 2
My First Day
Jack's Train Trip
93. au, aw, augh
The Small Thing
I Caught a Cold!
94. ea /ĕ/, a /ŏ/
The Camp's Phantom (ea as short e)
Sun and Gray's Fight (ea as short e)
Wanda the Wandering Duck (a as short o)
Walt and His Wand (a as short o)
Diphthongs 6 Titles
95. oi, oy
Joy and the Boys
The Lucky Coin
96. ou, ow
Owl Found a House
Sunny and the Clouds
97. Diphthongs review
Moo the Town Cow
The Monster with a Smile
Silent Letters 8 Titles
98. kn, wr, mb
Bread for Mom (kn)
A Jacket for a Knight (kn)
Miss Wren's Birthday (wr)
Fixing the Farm (wr)
Do Not Climb That Tree (mb)
The Little Lamb (mb)
Knock, Knock, Gift! (review)
Thumb Feels Needed (review)
Suffixes and Prefixes 16 Titles
99. -s/-es
Jane Shops
Kate Screams
100. -er, -est
The Fifth-Grade Trip
The Quickest in the Sea
101. -ly
The Madly Household
The Wait Is Over!
102. -less, -ful
Watchful Lily
Brave Cammy
103. un-
Beth's Birthday
104. pre-, re-
It Is Finally Time!
The Big Test
105. dis-
Tony and the Truth
No Disorder!
106. Affixes review 1
Time to Disconnect
The Contest
Suffix Spelling Changes 8 Titles
107. Doubling rule -ed, -ing
Polly's Party Planning
Just Kidding!
108. Doubing rule -er, -est
Our Last Day
The Hippest Girl
109. Drop e rule
Not Scared Now!
The Nicest Pals
110. y to i rule
Puppies Versus Kittens
The Fruitiest Juice


If you are delving into the Science of Reading research and focusing on a structured literacy approach to classroom instruction in your First Grade classroom, this First Grade Developing Decoders Collection is for you!

This UFLI Aligned decodable book collection contains 182 titles with 6 copies per title. There are a total of 1092 books in the First Grade Developing Decoders Collection. 

Your order of this product will be shipped in 3 display boxes in order to accommodate the 182 titles and 6 copies of each title - which will equal 1092 books for first grade classroom use. SCROLL DOWN for SAMPLES!


Interested in a DIGITAL/PRINTABLE option? Click HERE to purchase a digital license to Developing Decoders Annual Digital Plan to gain access to all of our decodable books.


This purchase is for decodable BOOKS ONLY.

See the Decodable Book titles below.

Book Title

Alphabet Review & Longer Words 32 Titles = 192 books
35a. Short A Review
Bad Max
Tad's Bag
35b. Short A Review (nasalized a)
Jam, Sam, Jam!
Cam and Tam
35c. Short A Advanced Review
Camp Is a Blast!
Stan and the Lamp
36a. Short I Review
Pip the Pig
Tim Fibs
36b. Short I Advanced Review
Twins on a Trip
Skip in the Wind
37a. Short O Review
Cod and Cobs
The Big Job
37b. Short O Advanced Review
The Big Stomp
Spot Is Soft
38a. Short A, I, O Review
Cat and Dog
The Map
38b. Short A, I, O Advanced Review
Crab's Pals
My Twin
39a. Short u review (CVC)
Run, Pup, Run
Cub in the Tub
39b. Short u advanced review (CCVC, CVCC)
Slug in a Slump
Do Not Trust the Rust!
40a. Short e review (CVC)
Ten Pens
Get in Bed, Jen!
40b. Short e advanced review (CCVC, CVCC)
The Sled
A Tent for Dad
41a. Short vowel review (CVC)
Pals and Pets
Rob and the Pup
41b. Short vowel advanced review 1 (CCVC, CVCC)
Swim with a Croc
Lift the Flap
41c. Short vowel advanced review 2 (CCVCC, CCCVC)
Fred Strums
Spot's Sprint
Digraphs 24 Titles = 144 books
42. ff, ll, ss, zz
Buzz and Fuzz
Red Hill
43. -all, -oll, -ull
A Doll in the Mall
The Fall Ball
44. ck
The Lock
Can You Pick?
45. sh
Ships in the Shop
46. Voiced th
This or That?
Will and Matt
47. Unvoiced th
Math Moth
The Lost Tooth
48. ch
Chad and the Chick
Chip the Champ
49. Digraphs Review 1
The Black Flash
Trad the Troll
50. wh, ph
What's in the Pond?
The Pals Whack and Smack!
51. ng
Swings and Wings
A Trip to Hong Kong
52. n /ŋ/ (as in nk)
Not My Bunk!
A Pink Sink
53. Digraphs Review 2
The Fish Tank
Will Ralph Wish?
VCe 20 Titles = 120 Books
54. a_e
Jake the Snake
Wade Bakes a Cake
55. i_e
Kites for Sale
Mike Hikes
56. o_e
Mack the Mole
Cole Saves the Shop
57. VCe Review 1; e_e
Zeke's Sale
Eve Bakes
58. u_e
Luke and June
The Duke of Plume
59. VCe Review 2
June's Flute
60. _ce /s/
Lost in Space
The Big Race
61. _ge /j/
Gale on Stage
Sage the Strange Snake
62. VCe Review 3; VCe exceptions
June's Trunk (VCe exceptions)
Grace and Cam (VCe exceptions)
Pete's Pals (review)
Gene's Theme (review)
Reading Longer Words 14 Titles = 84 books
63. -es
Passes and Misses
The Lunches
64. -ed
Jess Is Listed
Mike Hates to Camp!
65. -ing
Dashing Dan
Stressing About Math
66. Closed & Open Syllables
Fun in the Sun
The Van Trip
67a. Compound Words
The Sandbox Hike
Fun at Sunup
67b. Closed/Closed
Picnic Time
Fishing at the Cabin
68. Open/Closed
The Robot
The Music Box
Ending Spelling Patterns 16 Titles = 96 Books
69. tch
The Witch
The Fox and the Robin
70. dge
The Raven Badge
The Dodge Match
71. tch & dge Review
The Fudge Splotches
No Grudges
72. -ild, -old, -ind, -olt, -ost
Holt the Ghost
Find the Kind
73. y as long i
Ty the Spy
Ry the Shy Fly
74. y as long e
The Crying Baby
When Lilly Met Sally
75. -le
Wendle the Fickle Pickle
The Little Pebble
76. Ending Patterns Review
The Little Lady Who Juggles
Molly the Baby Bunny
R-Controlled Vowels 14 Titles = 84 Books
77. ar
The Barnyard Contest
My Backyard Garden
78. or, ore
The Harsh Storm
79. ar, or, ore Review
My Porch
I Am an Artist!
80. er
Terry the Baker
Roger's Pet
81. ir, ur
Burt and Carl's Fun Trip
That Bird Can Surf!
82. er, ir, ur; w+ or
Bird's Big Mess
The Farmer
83. R-Controlled Vowels Review
Clark Swims with a Shark!
At the Park
Long Vowel Teams 10 Titles = 60 Books
84. long a: ai, ay
Mail Day
Rain All Day
85. long e: ee, ea, ey
Three Pals at the Beach
Donkey at the Stream
86. long o: oa, ow, oe
Steamboat on the Coast
A Stroll in the Snow
87. long i: ie, igh
Bright Stars
Charlie's First Flight
88. Vowel Teams Review 1
Cleanup Day
My Window
Other Vowel Teams 14 Titles = 84 books
89. u (push), oo (book)
Brook and Her Book
Cat the Cook
90. oo (moon)
Boon Has the Scoop
Boon and the Trick
91. ew, ui, ue 
Sue's Messy Suit
Blue's Juice Day
92. Vowel Teams Review 2
Jack's Train Trip
93. au, aw, augh
The Small Thing
I Caught a Cold!
94. ea /ĕ/, a /ŏ/
The Camp's Ghost (ea as short e)
Sunny and Cloudy's Fight (ea as short e)
Wanda the Wandering (a as short o)
Walt and His Wand (a as short o)
Diphthongs 6 Titles = 36 books
95. oi, oy
Joy and the Boys
The Lucky Coin
96. ou, ow
Owl Found a House
Sunny and the Clouds
97. Diphthongs Review
Moo the Town Cow
Sue the Smiley Spirit
Silent Letters 8 Titles = 48 books
98. kn, wr, mb
Bread for Mom (kn)
A Jacket for a Knight (kn)
Miss Wren's Birthday (wr)
Fixing the Farm (wr)
Do Not Climb That Tree (mb)
The Little Lamb (mb)
Knock, Knock, Gift! (review)
Thumb Feels Needed (review)
Suffixes and Prefixes 16 Titles = 96 books
99. -s/-es
Jane Shops
Kate Screams
100. -er, -est
The Fifth Grade Trip
The Quickest in the Sea
101. -ly
The Madly Family
The Wait Is Over
102. -less, -ful
Careful Lily
Fearless Cammy
103. un-
Beth's Birthday
104. pre-, re-
It Is Finally Time!
The Big Test
105. dis-
Tony and the Truth
No Disorder!
106. Affixes Review 1
Time to Disconnect
The Contest
Suffix Spelling Changes 8 Titles = 48 books
107. Doubling Rule -ed, -ing
Polly's Party Planning
Just Kidding!
108. Doubing Rule -er, -est
Our Last Day
The Hippest Girl!
109. Drop e Rule
Not Scared Now!
The Nicest Pals
110. y to i Rule
Puppies Versus Kittens
The Fruitiest Juice


 Tad's Bag - (Short Vowel Review)

Cole Saves the Shop -  (VCe - o-e)

Moo the Town Cow - (Diphthongs)

PRODUCT #  DD1stGrade

ISBN: 979-8-88741-677-9

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